Printing Service 印刷服务
Book 书籍
School Magazine 校刊
Catalogue 产品目录
Magazine 杂志
Newsletter 报刊
School Bulletin 校讯
Booklet 小册子
Restaurant Menu 菜谱
Memo Pad 记事本
Note Book 笔记本
Annual Report 年度报告
We provide the most competitive print solution with as many as 30 years of experience in the printing industry, as well as individuals with degrees in design and marketing.
Brochure 宣传册
Flyer 宣传单
Poster 海报
Stamp Card 印花卡
Name Card 名片
Ticket 入场券
Hanging Card 广告旗
Invitation Card 邀请柬
Paper Bag 纸袋
Table Stand 桌谱
Voucher 固本 / 优惠券
Name Tag 吊卡
Bookmark 书签
CD Jacket 封套
Wedding Card 喜帖
Money Packet 红包
Rubber Stamp / Pre-Ink 印章
Create your business image by having your unique own printed cash bills, receipt , invoice with numbering thus corporate letterhead and envelope